September 7: Jennifer Egan

September 7: Pulitzer Prize winner, Jennifer Egan, was born on this day in 1962 | Daily Literary Quotes @ Literary Cobblestones.
September 7: Pulitzer Prize winner, Jennifer Egan, was born on this day in 1962 | Daily Literary Quotes @ Literary Cobblestones.

Hello Cobblers!

Today in literary history, we celebrate the birth of Pulitzer Prize winner Jennifer Egan (born in 1962). Egan’s impressive career allowed for many different options when choosing feature pieces for today’s curation, so let’s get into it.

Check out a Q&A from The Guardian: “Jennifer Egan: ‘I would have accepted a marriage proposal from Roger Daltrey on the spot’ .” 

Another interview with Egan from Vulture: “A Visit From the Goon Squad Author Jennifer Egan on Reaping Awards and Dodging Literary Feuds.”

A feature on Flavorwire: “The Eerie Prescience of Jennifer Egan’s Fiction.

Finally, a fiction piece written by Egan for The New Yorker: “Black Box.” 

Don’t forget to check out Egan’s website to find out more about her work and where you can purchase them: “Jennifer Egan Website.

There’s nothing better than reading a book on a Fall afternoon.

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