August 20: H.P.Lovecraft |Daily Literary Quotes

August 20: Happy birthday, H.P.Lovecraft. | Daily Literary Quotes
August 20: Happy birthday, H.P.Lovecraft. | Daily Literary Quotes

Hello Cobblers!

Today in literary history we celebrate the birth of H.P.Lovecraft, born on this day in 1920.

I have very little experience with Lovecraft, so I tried to find as much information about him as possible. What I found painted two vastly different images: one of a beloved science fiction writer with a cult following and another of a very flawed man with some rather disturbing view points. I am no expert, so if you are, please let me know what you think about him and why. I’d love to know more.


For those of us who need the information, here are the informatory links I’ve compiled for Lovecraft:

First up, a collect of all things Lovecraft, including links to his works and personal letters: “The H.P. Lovecraft Archive”.

For visual stimulation, Open Culture has digital copies of Lovecraft’s own drawings: “H.P.Lovecraft’s Monster Drawings: Cthulhu & Other Creatures from ‘The Boundless and Hideous Unknown’ “. Very creepy and very cool.

The New York Review of Books published a feature on the new volume of his previously published stories: “The Hideous Unknown of H.P. Lovecraft”.  Even if you’re not interesting in Lovecraft, I’d recommend reading this article simply because the author, Charles Baxter, completely won me over with his writing style.

If you are part of the Lovecraft fandom and you live in the Pacific Northwest, there is in fact a H.P.Lovecraft festival held in Portland, Oregon: “The H.P.Lovecraft Film Festival and Cthulhu Con”. 

And finally, some literary art in the form of decorated glass bottles that are inspired by Lovecraft: “Spooky Glass Bottles Inspired by H.P.Lovecraft”. 


That’s enough for today, my friends. Oh, it’s probably not a good idea to read Lovecraft right before bed, so I encourage you to do so, especially if you’re a writer. Nightmares can be the best inspiration.


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