J.K.Rowling Quotes: A Glance at Harry Potter & the Cursed Child (Part 2) | Literary Cobblestones

J.K.Rowling Quote from Harry Potter & the Cursed Child| J.K.Rowling Appreciation Month | Literary Cobblestones
J.K.Rowling Quote from Harry Potter & the Cursed Child| J.K.Rowling Appreciation Month | Literary Cobblestones

Welcome back to Literary Cobblestones! Today we continue the first week of our J.K. Rowling Appreciation Month with another quote from “Harry Potter & the Cursed Child”. Unlike Tuesday’s post, today’s links will be full of spoilers because let’s be real, the majority of the fandom locked themselves away to complete it before anyone else could spoil it. BUT, if you haven’t finished it yet, then skip these links until you’re done. Alright, let’s get into it.

The ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ Links You Need in Your Life

*Spoilers! Proceed with Caution*

Was Voldy’s lovechild inspired by true events? According to Vulture, the character of Delphini may have been inspired by historical events. Check out the article by Lindsey Romain: “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’s Strangest Twist May Have Roots in History.” Here’s an excerpt:

Most controversial of all is Delphini, a silver-haired, tattooed character who’s totally new to the series. Delphini begins as an ally to Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy (sons of Harry and Draco), posing as a cousin of Cedric’s who wants to use a recovered Time Turner to go back and save him from death. But it’s revealed in part two that she’s actually the love child of Lord Voldemort and his devoted follower, Bellatrix Lestrange, and wants the Time Turner to alter history so that her father wins the war and evil reigns.

If you’ve finished the book, you may have some questions, but it seems that everyone else does too. Sarah Begley from TIME Magazine put together a list of some of the most popular unanswered questions from the book: “8 Questions We Have After Reading Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

Curious what the critics think? Check out this review from Sophie Gilbert over at The Atlantic: “Harry Potter and the Curse of Continuation.” Take a quick look inside, but be sure to read the full article — it’s a must read.

Reading the next Harry Potter story in script form rather than in Rowling’s fluid, vivid prose was always going to be challenging for readers, so what’s most remarkable about Thorne’s work is how smoothly it flows. At its best, it’s as gripping as many of Rowling’s books were, with suspenseful plotting and twists that are just predictable enough to be gratifying. The stage directions are sometimes sparse, sometimes remarkably descriptive.

Lastly, here’s a piece for all of us who weren’t quite ready to reenter the magical world, written by Marama Whyte for Hypable: “I bought ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,’ but I can’t bring myself to read it.”  I think this article speaks to most of us who were/are diehard fans of the original series but found ourselves skeptical of continuing a story whose journey we had already said farewell. Here’s a clip:

When I got home, I dutifully added it to my ‘to read’ pile and then did my best to ignore it. Every time I walk past that stack of books my eyes are drawn to it, and I’m struck with a tremendous feeling of guilt. Like I’m a bad fan. Like I’m not a real fan, not anymore. And then I walk on by. I don’t pick it up.

If you’ve finished “Cursed Child” yet, what’d you think? Yay or Nay?

That’s all for today’s post but check back tomorrow for Friday’s listicle.

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